One of my favorite exchanges from a TMBG interview is most likely the one where the Johns interview eachother. Always thought it was super funny.
The very last question specifically. From "The Giants Interview Eachother", originally in the May 21, 2003 newslatter but currently hosted on is this exchange:

JL: Will you ever have the "eye-planing" laser surgery or is it just too freaky? I would have it if I could but apparently it won't help people who are farsighted, at least not yet.
JF: Maybe they could turn your eyes INSIDE OUT and then do it! No, eye surgery is something I really fear. I am really fascinated by this "bo-tox" thing they are doing in Hollywood which actually PARALYZES YOUR FOREHEAD with POISON BACTERIA. You can't create wrinkles because you can't raise your brow. Sounds like a good idea, but if you look at some of these aging starlets it might appear their faces are frozen BECAUSE THEY ARE.
JL: I'm hoping they come up with a bacteria that they can use to KILL MY EMOTIONS. That way I won't ever look sad or tired. Or one to AMPUTATE ALL NEGATIVE THINKING.
JF: Sad and tired has always worked for you. And it's better than bitter. I'd lay off the bacteria till your fifties.

I think my favorite part is probably the phrase AMPUTATE ALL NEGATIVE THINKING. I know he like, said this in a newsletter, probably not out loud, but the emphasis in this entire section is SO funny to imagine out loud.

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